
媒体格局正在经历根本性的变化. 为自由记者创造公平的竞争环境, 新萄京娱乐 has developed a specialist suite of professional services as part of dedicated membership category: 自由职业.

In addition to what all our 新萄京娱乐 freelance members receive, 自由职业 membership offers:

•   职业赔偿和公共责任保险

在一个碎片化的媒体环境中, it is becoming increasingly important to stand out as a legitimate practitioner of our craft. 无论你是一个特稿作家,这都是正确的, 专业贸易作家, 记者, 博主, 多媒体设计师, 摄影师, 视频的记者, 或者在我们行业的其他方面工作.

新萄京娱乐 believes that self-regulation by journalists and media professionals is the best way to ensure those who practice our craft operate at the highest ethical and professional standards. 作为工会和行业的倡导者,澳大利亚的记者, 新萄京娱乐 launched 自由职业 so freelance journalist members of 新萄京娱乐 can demonstrate their high standards with a specialist banner under which they can work and market themselves.

以及获得访问服务来支持您的业务, 新萄京娱乐的自由职业会员被鼓励熟悉 新萄京娱乐 记者职业道德准则 以及澳大利亚媒体法的最新发展. 自由职业 members are entitled to utilise a new trustmark that you can displayed on your websites, blogs and business cards as a sign of your personal commitment to the journalism profession’s standards.

mea有时会举办有关mea的培训课程 记者职业道德准则 以及对澳大利亚媒体法现状的考察. 自由职业 members are encouraged to attend these courses so they can stay up to date with changes to defamation laws and other areas that may affect their work as journalists.


作为新萄京娱乐会员, you are already covered with journey insurance which protects you if you are injured while travelling to and from work. Workers Compensation no longer provides workers with this type of cover in all states, 这使得新萄京娱乐的新旅行保护保险必不可少. For freelance journalists, this type of cover will be particularly beneficial. 新萄京娱乐的旅行保险包括以下福利:

•   Weekly benefits for injury resulting in temporary total disablement; and
•高达1000美元的个人车辆超额豁免, including any claims for repairs falling under the excess will still have a maximum amount of $1000, and up to $500 for any cumulative loss of no claim allowance not otherwise recoverable as a result of loss or damage to insured member’s personal vehicle.

自由职业会员, 新萄京娱乐 offers multimedia and broadform liability insurance cover to protect yourself and your freelance journalism business. Feedback from members and the broader industry tells us that publishers are increasingly demanding freelance journalists have professional indemnity insurance in an increasingly litigious environment. 利用我们的人数优势, we can offer 自由职业 members this insurance at well-below market rates.

作为自由职业会员, you can receive protection worth up to $1 million for professional indemnity (including against defamation and civil negligence claims). 自由职业还包括高达2000万美元的公共责任保险. 如果你选择这个保险, 这些保险产品将成为会员费用的一部分, 只要4美元.每周额外65英镑.

Details of the multimedia professional indemnity and public liability insurance are available 在这里,或致电(免费电话)1300 65 65 13向新萄京娱乐会员中心查询.


新萄京娱乐 is stepping up its ability to give freelance members contract advice and assistance with claims. 新萄京娱乐游说政府, business and the political world so that professional freelance journalists have similar 访问 to decision-makers as their salaried colleagues working for large media organisations.

Negotiating contracts successfully – and ensuring they are enforced – is a central part of freelance life. 新萄京娱乐’s industrial team can give you advice on your contracts and follow-up with publishers if they breach your contract or fail to pay you.

新萄京娱乐已经发布了标准的自由职业委托条款, 一份模范合同, 这样你就可以开始谈判了. 当然,大多数发行商不会同意所有条款, but the document sets out a best-practice document from which to start so that you can determine what’s important to you and negotiate your position constructively. 和 it’s a smart business tool that can be used as a commissioned job sheet so t在这里 are no misunderstandings later on.

•新萄京娱乐自由撰稿人 标准自由职业委托条款.
•的 说明指南新萄京娱乐自由记者标准的自由职业委托条款.



A trustmark helps demonstrate your legitimacy as a member of the working media. 只有自由职业会员才可以使用这个标志, 这将进一步表明你的专业精神, 道德与诚信. 出版商——以及一般公众——将知道您理解新萄京娱乐 记者职业道德准则 以及澳大利亚媒体法的发展. It is a symbol of your ongoing practical commitment to the highest standards of journalism and the trustmark can be used to market you and your business.




自由职业 members are ecnouraged to complete a media law training course. 和, 像所有新萄京娱乐媒体部门的成员一样, you always have 访问 to the Walkley Foundation professional development program at greatly reduced 新萄京娱乐 member rates. walkley夫妇的培训课程详情可以在这里找到: walkley.com/training


新萄京娱乐 continues to offer networking and conference opportunities (with deep discounts) to freelance members. 新萄京娱乐 continues to conduct lobbying and campaigning on freelance pay rates, rights and press freedom. 新萄京娱乐 is stepping up its efforts to collectively bargain on behalf of freelancers using the authority granted to it by the Australian Competition & 消费者委员会. Freelance members will continue to have 访问 to Walkley Foundation activities (including the Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism, 年度最佳自由职业者, 年度最佳青年记者).

最重要的是, the 自由职业 category allows freelance members to play a direct role in developing the broader freelance community into a powerful force of creative professionals working in the media industry.

If you are an existing 新萄京娱乐 freelance member you can easily upgrade your freelance membership to the 自由职业 category. If you are not yet a 新萄京娱乐 member, it’s easy to join 新萄京娱乐 as a 自由职业 member. 点击这里在线加入. 如果你愿意, you can call 新萄京娱乐 Member Central on 1300 65 65 13 to discuss 自由职业 or any other membership matters.